Shock to Remove Contaminants

Destroying organic contaminants* from the environment and bathers is important. Shocking your pool water is a needed step for proper pool maintenance. Shocks or oxidizers chemically destroy organic contaminants, remove combined chlorine and help restore water clarity. This is the second step of the BioGuard 3-Step Pool Care System.*such as perspiration, suntan lotions, hair sprays, body oils, urine, pet dander, and cosmetics. Isn’t shocking just for when your water has a problem?No! Shocking should be part of your pool maintenance. While it does help with troubleshooting, when part of a routine it removes contaminants that cause cloudy water and helps keep the water crystal clear and sparkling.


Shock to Remove Contaminants

Destroying organic contaminants* from the environment and bathers is important. Shocking your pool water is a needed step for proper pool maintenance. Shocks or oxidizers chemically destroy organic contaminants, remove combined chlorine and help restore water clarity. This is the second step of the BioGuard 3-Step Pool Care System.*such as perspiration, suntan lotions, hair sprays, body oils, urine, pet dander, and cosmetics. Isn’t shocking just for when your water has a problem?No! Shocking should be part of your pool maintenance. While it does help with troubleshooting, when part of a routine it removes contaminants that cause cloudy water and helps keep the water crystal clear and sparkling.